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Kiln Dried Hornbeam Bulk Bag (Tipped out loose)

Kiln Dried Hornbeam Bulk Bag (Tipped out loose)


0.85 x 0.85 x 0.85 (0.6m3) Bulk Bag

Max delivery possible: 2 bags


Click this link to view a short video review of Hornbeam :


Hornbeam is a very dense and hard type of firewood, which means that it burns very slowly. It is not as widely known in the UK as other similar wood species such as oak and beech, but it is top-quality firewood! If you find that you are refuelling the fire too often, hornbeam is definitely the product to try.


Hornbeam offers a rounded, pleasant burning experience. You can expect a long burn duration, a high heat, and a nice flame.


Hornbeam firewood has a similar appearance to ash firewood; however, it is much heavier and has a similar calorific value to oak logs. Because of the density of this firewood, it can be a bit trickier to light than the likes of birch firewood (which is softer), however, once it gets going it will burn for a long time.


Hornbeam also mixes very well with birch. If you're interested in this, we have mixed birch and hornbeam bulk bags which you can find by clicking here.

Hornbeam bulk bags will be available for delivery or collection from the last week of June 2024.
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